Starting an onion garden is not only a fulfilling endeavor, but it can also be resourceful and environmentally beneficial. This post will walk you through a quick and easy way to grow onions in repurposed plastic bottles with kitchen scraps as fertilizer. We will also go into the specifics of making a nutrient-rich fertilizer out of kitchen trash to help your onion patch thrive.
Materials Needed:
- Plastic bottles (half-cut)
- Red onion bulbs
- Compost or potting mix
- Drill or sharp knife
- Kitchen waste (fruit and vegetable scraps)
- Blender or chopping board
- Spray or pulverize bottle
- Watering can or hose
How to Grow Onions in Bottles Made of Plastic:
Prepare the Plastic Bottles: Cut many drainage holes in the bottom of half-cut plastic bottles. Sufficient drainage is essential to avoid standing water.
Put in Compost:
Put a balanced potting mix or premium compost into each plastic bottle. Loose and well-aerated soil is ideal.
Align the onion bulbs:
Slice off the top of each red onion, leaving a thin layer whole. This promotes fresh development from the onion’s core.
Plant the Onions: Using a plastic bottle, place one prepared red onion bulb into each, making sure the chopped top is facing up. Gently press the onion into the ground.
How to Fertilize Kitchen Waste:
Gather kitchen trash, such as eggshells, coffee grounds, and leftover fruit and vegetable pieces. Steer clear of utilizing dairy or meat products since these might draw bugs.
For effective decomposition, chop or mix the kitchen trash into small pieces.
After processing, put the kitchen wastes in a container and fill it with water. Stir this mixture periodically while it ferments for a few days.
Filter & Thin the Fertilizer:
To create a liquid fertilizer, filter the combination of kitchen waste after it has fermented.
One part liquid fertilizer to three parts water is the recommended ratio for diluting the fertilizer. By doing this, the fertilizer’s concentration is kept to a minimum.
Use Fertilizer Made From Kitchen Waste:
Pour the diluted fertilizer made from kitchen garbage into a spray or pulverizer container.
Douse the soil surrounding the onion plants with fertilizer. For a reliable source of nutrients, this should be done every two weeks.
Water the onions frequently to keep the soil wet. Steer clear of overwatering as this might cause root rot.
Sunshine and Handling
The plastic bottles should be placed where they will get enough of sunlight—ideally 6 to 8 hours each day.
Keep an eye on the onions’ progress and get rid of any weeds to stop them from competing for the same nutrients.
When the green tops of the onions begin to turn yellow and droop, it is time to harvest them.
Before storing, carefully remove the onions from the ground and let them dry.
Reusing resources and cutting down on kitchen waste may be achieved with this simple and environmentally friendly way of growing onions in plastic bottles using fertilizer made from leftover food scraps.
These comprehensive instructions will help you produce nutritious onions at home and lead a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. To determine the ideal fertilizer mixture for your onion plant, try out several combinations of kitchen trash. Happy horticulture!